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Quality Assurance: Google Search Manual Testing


The purpose of this assignment is to gain insight about your knowledge/skills in manual browser testing, as well as in test-planning under time & resource constraints.


Assignment time-limit: 2 hours [after reading this page]

[Given] Tester resource-budget: 1.5 hours

You’re not expected to demonstrate complete knowledge of QA best practices in this very limited assignment.

Your tasks

Read ALL instructions before starting tasks. [Reading time not counted toward assignment time-limit.]



  • Check Google Search [requirements] [scroll down] & related functionality
  • Write & submit 3 top-priority* Test Cases
  • Write & submit a Test Plan**


  • 3 Test Cases
  • 1 Test Plan

*Assignment time-limit precludes requiring more than 3 test-cases. There should ideally be many more.

**For test-planning, strike a sensible coverage-balance between subfeatures [in your Test Cases] and number of OS-browser combos [in your Test Plan].


Complete the following tasks in 2 hours maximum:

  1. Familiarize yourself with Google Search:

    • No need to include this info in your submission.
    • Review the Requirements section [at bottom of page].
    • Check related functionality of the following main features at [not the mobile app]:
      • Search field [textbox]
      • Results list
      • Results toolbar
  2. Write & submit 3 Manual-UI Acceptance Test Cases, using a plain-text file:

    • Constraint: Only 1.5 person-hours of total tester capacity is budgeted — all 3 Test Cases will be run across all the OS/browser combinations you list as in-scope in your Test Plan.
    • Write only happy-path cases – no need to include negative testing.
    • Validate major, top-priority functional features & subfeatures — should fit under tester resource-budget.
    • Validate functionality only -- no need to validate accessibility, content/styling, or performance
    • Include time estimate for each case.
    • You may cover 2 or more high-level-requirements in the same case
    • Write steps for non-technical user [with basic computer/smartphone & web-surfing skills].
    • Include expected result for each test step.
  3. Write & submit a small Test Plan for above cases, continuing in the same plain-text file.:

    • Constraints: Constraint: Only 1.5 person-hours of total tester capacity is budgeted — all 3 Test Cases will be run across all the OS/browser combinations you list as in-scope in your Test Plan.
    • Omit high-level planning-items – no need to include:
      • Product analysis
      • Strategy
      • Other types of testing
      • Specific testing frameworks/tools/systems
      • Deliverables
    • Document & explain test scope:
      • Features/subfeatures to cover [a synopsis of your test cases]
      • OS/browser combinations to cover
    • Update your Test Cases’ subfeature-coverage as needed for tester resource-budget.


  • Submit your homework in a single, plain-text (.txt) file. Currently, we’re unable to accept alternative file types by default as we’re still figuring out how to consistently anonymize submissions.

Google Search Requirements

The requirements listed below are high-level, and selected to fit assignment & tester-capacity time-limits. They also do not include all implementation details or subfeatures/options -- those are to be fleshed out in your Test Cases.

For example, "Search is submitted" below could be fleshed out in a test-step as Tap Search button [mobile] or press Enter key [desktop].

Entry URL [not the mobile Google app]

High-level requirements

ID Given When Then
R1 "qa" is typed into search field Search is submitted Browser loads results relevant to "qa"
R2 Results are loaded Navigation link is tapped/clicked Browser navigates to destination page
R3 Results are loaded Category-tab is selected Browser displays only category-specific results
R4 Results are loaded Recency-option is selected from Tools dropdown Browser displays only results posted/updated within selected timeframe

Included files

There are no included files to download for this assignment.

Ready to submit?

Don't include anything in your files that could identify you. We assign submissions a random number when they are received so our team does not know whose homework they are evaluating. Multiple team members will review your submission before a decision is made.

Submit homework